Huge News for Seniors! After years of struggle, scientists finally make brain health breakthrough of the century… Their study found…

The Brain-Enhancing "LC Particle" Helped
Give A Better Memory In Just ONE HOUR

University-tested nutrient improves memory 16%... Could help with a surprising true cause of age-related memory loss. Even helps improves mood.


Hello, I’m Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D. If you’ve been thinking about the health of your memory lately, please take a look at this image:

white speck on microscope slide

Look especially close at the red arrow…

It’s pointing to a teeny-tiny white speck.

This little speck may seem like just a smudge on the photograph…

But it’s not.

As a Medical Doctor, I need to tell you…

When it comes to your memory and brain health, this speck is extremely important.

Here’s how:

Think of the last time you walked into a room and forgot why you were there.

Or when you struggled to remember a name of someone you met and drew nothing but a quick blank.

Science has now identified an aspect
of brain health that may be the reason
why these memory slips happen

Thanks to this exciting science, we now know that getting older does not mean you’re stuck with cognitive decline

There are things you can do to address this overlooked aspect…and even help improve memory.

Let me repeat that.

It IS possible to improve memory, even over the age of 60… And I’m going to share some of the science that shows this with you today…

As we all age, it’s common for natural “waste” material to be found within the brain.

Now, to be clear, it’s entirely normal to have more and more of this waste in your brain as you age. But even though it’s normal…

It may contribute to slowing down thinking and even affect memory.

For years, scientists have been trying to figure out why this forms in the first place… and how to get rid of it.

But, human studies show this waste doesn’t need to prevent anyone from improving their memory…

And what that means for you could be life changing.

When you follow the scientifically studied secret I’m about to show you…

You could experience your memory
becoming better

This is not hype.

This was shown in one human clinical study.

Average men and women were tested for their memory power just 1 hour apart.

The volunteers who didn’t use this memory-improving secret experienced only a 2% improvement in one of their memory tests.

But the volunteers who did get to use this secret?

Their scores were a full 16% better in just a single hour.

That’s a full 8X better than those who didn’t use the memory-improving secret.

As you’ll soon see, this secret could be the perfect answer for your brain health.

I’m talking about finally IMPROVING
your memory, attention, and focus…

Imagine waking up next Saturday morning… ambling downstairs… and brewing your morning coffee.

It seems like any other morning…

Except you’ve just started using a certain secret.

It’s so easy, you can do it while you sip your coffee.

At first, you figure you’ll just eat your breakfast, read the paper, and maybe flip on a morning talk show.

But as your day goes on—it hits you…

…you recall names of people you just met, remember what’s on your grocery list, and explain directions to a new restaurant… like it’s nothing.

And you immediately start making plans…

Maybe you’ll visit your grandkids this afternoon and play some fun board games.

You remember exactly what their favorites are…

Because your memory, your wakefulness, and mood are all on point…

And each new day brings new adventures and opportunities—thanks to your improved memory.

That sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? But maybe you’re thinking…

It also sounds too good to be true

Especially the part about a better memory

Friend, everything I’ve told you today is true.

Everything I’ve told you comes from
scientific studies

In fact, you’ll see the details in a moment.

But first, I know this from personal experience.

As I said before, my name is Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.

I’ve been a Medical Doctor for more than 30 years…

I’m Board-Certified and hold 2 Master’s Degrees.

For many years, I practiced medicine at the famous Canyon Ranch Medical Center.

Celebrities and multi-millionaires flew to see me from all over the world to receive secret treatments the average person doesn’t have access to.

But I decided that EVERY American deserves these life-changing treatments…

So, as a consultant in the natural health publishing and nutritional industries, I focus on helping American seniors maintain their health

Including their brain health.

This mission is personal for me.

Because I’m not just a Medical Doctor – I’m also someone who’s over 65 years old.

I’m at an age when (according to the old science) I should have trouble focusing…

And I should be getting more and more frustrated with my memory slips.

But I’m not.

Yes, I’m old enough to collect Social Security.

But even young doctors struggle to keep up with me, but I feel like my life’s just getting started.

Now, I’m not saying any of this to brag…

It’s so you can see how powerful this brain-health breakthrough really is.

Because the same transformation could soon be true for you, too…

Feeling like your memory’s
getting better...

Never worrying about forgetting the name of someone you just met…

And having fun using your better focus to tackle projects and keep living a full, fulfilling life…

So let’s make this happen right now…

Now, as we all know, your memory is associated with your brain.

But, one animal study has shown that the naturally occurring waste they’ve found in the brain…is also made in a completely different part of the body.

And while we’re still waiting for them to confirm the same in humans, it may explain how addressing this overlooked aspect of brain health may help.

You see, for years scientists have been trying to figure out why this natural waste forms, where it comes from, and how to get rid of it.

We always assumed it was made inside your brain.

But, that may not be the whole story…

Because animal research is suggesting that this waste material can enter the brain from other parts of the body.

Which means some of that natural memory decline may not just be rooted in the brain

And which supports a shockingly simple solution to supporting a healthy memory as we age.

Let me explain.

In one review, researchers theorize that a way to help improve age-related memory decline

Starts with a little organ found on the left side of your body. Take a look:

human anatomy with pancreas highlighted

This organ is your pancreas.

Your pancreas is critical for digestion.

It supplies your body with chemicals that help break down and transport food.

But what does that have to do with your memory?

That’s the exciting theory these scientists made…

You see, when you eat too much of a certain kind of food, your pancreas releases insulin…

And when it releases insulin, it could also actually form brain wasteas a byproduct.

Here’s the important part…

As you learned earlier, recent animal research is suggesting that it may be possible for waste in the bloodstream to travel through the body…

And end up in your brain.

That’s what the scientists discovered in 2017.

I’ll skip the rest of the science because it gets very complicated.

But when it comes to helping support your memory, the important part is very simple…

Here’s what you need to know:

The theory is that your pancreas can create naturally-occuring waste when it processes one kind of food.

You’ve literally eaten this kind of food thousands of times

It’s inside your fridge and your cupboards right now…

And you’ll see it the next time you sit down for a meal.

It’s not some kind of harsh chemical that gets spilled onto your dishes.

It’s not any sort of artificial flavor or color.

And while I’m no fan of artificial ingredients, it’s not that either.

The brain villain lurking in your food is…

Sugar and carbohydrates.

When your pancreas is processing a lot of sugar and carbohydrates, it can create the same type of natural waste product that’s been found in the brain.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

“Well, I already know sugar is bad for me! Are you going to tell me to get rid of all sugar and never eat anything with it again?”

Actually, NO.

Not at all.

And that’s where the great news comes in…

Research suggests there’s another way to help with this naturally-occurring waste.

The breakthrough came after years of intense research by UCLA scientists.

They tested over 200 different compounds, looking for one that could actually be absorbed and get to the brain…

And finally… after all those dismal failures… they found one.

And when this compound was studied in real human subjects, scientists discovered that it helped…

LOWER the amount of this naturally-occurring waste in the body

This secret is called the LC Particle.

The LC Particle is a nutrient that’s been modified in a special way.

Using it is so easy you can do it from home in about 5 seconds…

To measure how powerful it is…

Scientists gave the LC Particle to 60 volunteers in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study – the gold standard in medical research.

The volunteers were up to 85-years-old and nobody was younger than 60.

Now, most studies on memory go weeks or sometimes even months before anyone feels a benefit (if there even is one)…

But not this time.

You see, the scientists gave some memory tests to the volunteers before taking the LC Particle…

Imagine sitting alone in front of a computer that displays a random, 3-digit number. For 2 straight minutes, you need to subtract 3 from that number… and then again… and again… and again…

Without a calculator or even a pencil and paper.

You can’t see your work. So you need to remember every step and perform perfectly.

THAT… is what these participants had to do. The first test was before taking the LC Particle…

And the second test was just 60 minutes later.

I’ll let the results speak for themselves…

The volunteers taking the placebo (a fake pill) didn’t experience much of any improvement, which was expected.

However, the volunteers taking the LC Particle had a very unexpected result…

Sure, the scientists hoped their memories would get better…

And that’s exactly what happened.

The volunteers who got a placebo (a mere sugar pill) improved their memory only 2%.

But the volunteers who got the real thing – the LC Particle – improved their memory much more. A full 16% better.

This means the group who got the LC Particle improved their memory 8X better compared to the increase in the placebo group.

And this improvement happened in
just 1 hour

They continued the study for 28 days and the results just kept getting better.

The volunteers who got the LC Particle even felt calmer than the placebo group.

In fact, after 28 days, the volunteers taking the LC Particle felt less fatigue after taking the memory tests. The placebo group, of course, felt more tired.

That’s right, with the LC Particle, your memory could become better

You could feel like jumping out of
your chair and taking on something
else that engages you

An afternoon writing session could lead straight to planning your next woodworking project…

Working in your garden could lead to finally breaking out your canvas for some fun painting…

Because you now feel more ENERGIZED, and able to keep up with all your dreams and aspirations.

All thanks to the memory breakthrough LC Particle.

With special testing, scientists found it improved memory in 1 hour.

The scientists were looking at this brain waste in retinal tissue, which people also don’t realize is technically part of the brain.

They saw the LC Particle surround and actually bind to this waste. So it addresses the first key to maintaining memory with age.

As you learned, the LC Particle is the result of YEARS of research by UCLA scientists…

It’s based on the natural compound called curcumin.

You might have heard of curcumin before because of its stunning health properties.

Experiments show it’s a stronger antioxidant than the acai berry, blueberries, and many more.

But there’s a problem.

As amazing as curcumin is, it can’t reach your brain very well on its own.

You see, your brain is protected by something called the “blood-brain barrier.”

This important biological wall stops toxins from entering your brain.

The trouble is, the blood-brain barrier also stops healthy solutions from entering your brain.

In fact, studies show it blocks 98% of treatments.

That’s where a brilliant group of UCLA scientists came in…

After so much frustrating trial-and-error, they cracked the code… and it happened by accident.

The science is very in-depth, but basically, they coated the individual curcumin molecules with molecules called lipids in a very specific ratio.

And that’s why it’s called the LC Particle. The L stands for “lipids” and the C stands for “curcumin”.

Then, they performed a special test to see if this modified form of curcumin would absorb better into the brain…

Now, as you learned, your blood-brain barrier stops a full 98% of treatments from getting through.

But when they tested this special LC Particle, they found it could help improve your memory.

Remember, it improved memory BETTER than the placebo in the study I told you about earlier…

It’s simply stunning. And perhaps the most amazing part is how SIMPLE this all is...

No annoying brain games… no weird diets…

The LC Particle is natural

And this memory-improving technology is available as a simple capsule you can take with a little water.

It’s so effective, the researchers have now patented it.

However, I’ve been able to locate a trusted U.S. source you can still access.

Imagine making a simple, little tweak in your morning routine (that takes less than a minute)…

Feeling your mental energy power up…

Noticing how your brain feels more alive… like the lights have turned on…

And you think to yourself, “It’s working!

As time goes by, your memory becomes better.

Your focus does too.

You can hardly believe how easy it is to think and remember more clearly.

When I analyzed these clinical results and, more importantly, when I used the LC Particle myself and felt the difference

I knew it could be the answer to many seniors’ frustrations about our aging brains.

In just a moment, I’ll show you a great source for the LC Particle.

It’s important you get the real thing.

Beware of imitations. It’s VERY easy to accidentally get a knock-off version that hasn’t been shown in clinical studies to pass your blood-brain barrier…

But, before you go, I have one more thing to tell you. And it’s vital.

Even though the genuine LC Particle works incredibly well, if you truly want a better memory…

It’s not the complete answer for you.

Yes, the LC Particle was shown in one study to reduce brain waste.

And, yes…

It was shown in a study to help improve memory
in just 1 hour…

However, as powerful as that is, it’s just part of the battle.

You must also help keep your brain from facing MORE brain waste in the future.

In other words, you need to help reduce the amount of waste from getting in your brain in the first place.

And that’s what exciting animal research is suggesting may now be possible!

That’s why the LC Particle is only the first phase of supporting a stronger memory and healthy brain.

There are actually 2 more phases necessary for you to have COMPLETE brain and memory support.

Don’t worry. All combined, they’re convenient, painless, and easy enough that you can do them from home in literally seconds

I’ll also show you exactly how you can get them all, and exactly what you should take…

So, let me quickly show you what these phases are.

Then I’ll show you how to easily use all 3 phases for a healthier memory.

Remember, brain waste starts forming outside your brain.

It can come from your pancreaswhen it processes sugar

And that’s where Phases 2 and 3 come in.

They work by helping your body to continue to properly manage its sugar

So you may be able to form less waste in the first place.

Okay, you learned how Phase 1 of this new brain-supporting solution – the LC Particle – can help affect waste in the brain.

And how that alone was shown in one study to improve memory, incrase focus and reduce mental fatigue.

Next is Phase 2, which is a natural compound called EGCG.

Over a decade ago, scientists at the famous Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan discovered something important…

They studied thousands of men and women over the age of 70.

Some had fantastic brain health.

But others were frustrated with age-related cognitive decline.

The researchers discovered something startling…

There was a biological difference between all the 70+ year olds…

Something that could explain the vast difference in their brain health…

And it was this substance called EGCG.

You see, EGCG is a plant compound which is naturally found in green tea.

The more green tea the men and women consumed in their diets over the years… the BETTER cognitive function they had!

A small medical study supports this major discovery…

When volunteers took EGCG in a whey-based soft drink and had their brains scanned, a crucial part of their brains activated more.

Specifically, a region in your brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

This area is essential for your working memory and focus.

Here are images from the study, showing this in real-time:

x rays of brains

Now, EGCG is pretty rare in large quantities, but small amounts are naturally found in certain kinds of green tea.

And scientists have now perfected a special technique that isolates this brain-supporting component in the tea leaves – so you can use it yourself.

With EGCG’s unique ability to help activate part of the brain

You can see why it’s the necessary 2nd phase of my memory solution for seniors.

Imagine using a potent combination of these 2 compounds – the LC Particle and EGCG…

The LC Particle was shown in one study to improve memory…

Then, the EGCG was shown to activate part of your brain that’s related to working memory and focus.

And we’re still not done…

Because we need to finish with Phase 3.

Let’s quickly cover what it is, and how you can easily use all 3 phases to support your brain health.

Now, you learned how Phase 1 affects levels of waste using something called the LC Particle.

You learned how Phase 2 was shown to activate part of the brain.

Now for Phase 3

This final step is extremely important: You need to make sure your body continues to process sugar the right way.

Remember that your pancreas makes waste when you consume sugar.

And researchers also believe that waste can travel to the brain, contributing to age-related cognitive decline.

So that’s why it’s important to maintain healthy blood sugar as you get older.

But, as you get older, some people have trouble being able to process sugar as effectively.

Unfortunately, keeping healthy blood sugar becomes something we need to focus on as we get older.

And, one non-placebo-controlled study suggests that sugar may be associated with age-related memory loss.

This means, if you continue to maintain healthy blood sugar, you could help your pancreas, brain, and memory keep working optimally.

That’s the secret to Phase 3, which is a special scientific combination of a mineral called chromium and a nutrient called banaba.

Chromium and banaba both help your body handle sugar. This is based on research of people with type-2 diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, and impaired fasting glucose.

Now, the research on banaba is still limited. Most of it has been done in people with type-2 diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, and impaired fasting glucose.

And an unpublished clinical study on people with type-2 diabetes revealed banaba reduced participants’ tiredness in just 30 days.

These results were in people with impaired blood sugar levels already. We don’t know for sure how it works in otherwise healthy adults who just want to maintain healthy blood sugar.

That said, I would still recommend it.

And chromium helps improve a very important aspect of memory…

Have you ever tried to remember someone’s name and other names kept popping into your mind, like Bill, Barry, Bernard…

When the person’s name is actually Bob?

There’s a scientific term for that.

It’s called intrusion error.

Instead of your mind going blank, you keep thinking of all the wrong answers…

And it’s one of the signs of age-related cognitive decline.

Here’s the good news...

A medical study tested chromium, and looked at exactly this kind of memory issue.

26 volunteers with an average age of 73 took either chromium or a placebo (fake pill) for 90 days.

Then, they were given memory tests designed to distract the volunteers and cause them to come up with all kinds of wrong answers…

And that’s exactly what happened with the placebo group. They made all kinds of mistakes.

But not the lucky volunteers who got chromium

The trial showed chromium-taking volunteers made fewer intrusion errors on the memory tests, compared to the placebo group.

Imagine having a better memory… and still feeling alert and awake after eating a heavy meal.

And when you face a tough mental task, your memory is better.

That’s the power of this combination of blood-sugar supporting chromium and banaba.

As you’ve learned today, when you properly manage your sugar, it could make all the difference for supporting your memory and brain health.

Now imagine combining all 3 memory-improving phases

Your memory could be sharper before your clock hits the next hour…

As the days go by, you are confident about your future… 

And you could FEEL transformed…

Tasks that used to exhaust you could now feel easy.

You might hear someone remark, “Good memory!” when you rattle off names and dates without even thinking about it.

At your next church gathering or family dinner, you enthrall people with your stories. You feel sharper and more confident.

I hope that sounds good because, with a better memoryit’s more than possible…

Okay, let’s wrap things up because we’ve covered plenty of ground today…

And it’s time to show how you can put all 3 Phases to work for your memory.

Scientists have finally made the
breakthrough we need to support our
brain health as we age…

It turns out, memory issues can come from naturally-occurring waste in the brain.

That’s the bad news. The good news is…

We can do something about it

And help improve your memory…

First, we could help affect waste in the brain by using something called the LC Particle.

That’s Phase 1.

Next, we help activate the part of the brain responsible for working memory and focus using EGCG.

That’s Phase 2.

Finally, we help keep blood sugar healthy, so the pancreas stays on top of things (Based on research of people with type-2 diabetes).

That’s Phase 3.

Fortunately, we now have the cutting-edge research.

That’s when I began using this formula for myself.

The results have been nothing short of astonishing

As you heard before, I’m over 65 years old.

When they meet me, people often think I’m years and years younger than I really am.

Take a moment and consider how relaxed you could feel when your brain is firing on all cylinders...

How much frustration do you have right now… that could simply disappear?

How sweet is your relief going to feel?

And, let’s be honest, how much fun are you going to have when you become the center of attention…

And start hearing whispers about how amazingly sharp you are?

Keep that in mind because…

When I show you how to get all 3 phases of this formula in just a moment from now…

Your memory could improve…

And you could marvel at how quick your thinking is.

My team has done all the hard work of researching, locating, and sourcing all 3 memory-improving phases of this formula

And assembled everything into a single pill, that you can take from home in seconds.

This groundbreaking pill is called Memotex™.

memotex bottle

Memotex is my own private formula for supporting your brain and helping to improve your memory.

It contains the LC Particle, EGCG, and the chromium-banaba blood-sugar balancing combination you need…

Before we go on, I need to be clear. Memotex is NOT for everyone.

Even though it’s easy to use – just 1 capsule two times per day – Memotex is not like any brain supporting solution you’ve used or heard about.

It’s in a completely different class.

A whole different category really… simply because it could help with a root cause of age-related cognitive decline.

If you’re only in your 20s or 30s, it is not for you.

Memotex is specifically designed for
men and women between the ages of
55 and 100

So, if you are ready to improve your memory

And perhaps help your spouse and friends do the same…

Then keep reading because in just a few minutes, you’ll have your opportunity.

Now, I need to make clear that Memotex is available only through this presentation and Solaire Nutraceuticals.

Beware of imposters claiming they possess the complete formula.

The good news is, you don’t need a prescription to get Memotex.

I’ve decided to release this formula to men and women over the age of 55…

Who are ready to use science to help support their brains.

Memotex contains everything you need for all 3 Phases of memory improvement and brain health.

As you know, the first phase could help with naturally-occurring waste.

You do this by taking the first ingredient in Memotex, the LC Particle.

This stands for Lipid Curcumin, a special kind of curcumin that can cross the blood-brain barrier.

You MUST use this specific kind of lipid curcumin shown in the clinical studies to work.

But when you use the right kind, you could reduce naturally-occurring waste.

Remember, study participants who used the LC Particle improved their memory in just 1 hour.

And the perfect dose of the LC Particle is included in my Memotex formula.

Now, that’s Phase 1.

Phase 2 is using EGCG shown in an animal study to stop waste from forming in the first place.

Finally, Phase 3 is using a special combination of chromium and banaba to help improve and maintain healthy blood sugar, based on research of men and women with type-2 diabetes…

So you can still feel focused and alert even after a heavy meal.

Just from this third phase alone, you could improve your wakefulness...

And you could make fewer “intrusion errors” when you try to remember something.

Finally, you don’t have to worry the next time you run into someone, you’ll fumble when you try to remember their name.

You don’t have to wonder what will happen as time goes on.

Instead, you can rest easy, and enjoy discovering how much better your memory can get.

You get to look forward to the rest of your Golden Years.

By using the compounds in the Memotex formula, real people from the studies I told you about have achieved…

Better calmness in the face of stress…

Less fatigue

And a better memory in just 1 hour

Yes, this measurable change started in just 60 minutes.

Oh, and one more thing…

Because Phases 2 and 3 of this formula help improve how you digest sugar, they come with an interesting “side effect.”

And it’s a very good one…

Now, if you currently don’t want to lose weight, that’s fantastic.


If you’d like to lose a few extra
pounds, I’ve got some great news

All the compounds in Memotex’s 2nd and 3rd Phases can naturally help you lose weight.

It’s all because of how they help you digest sugar.

Here’s what the research revealed:

Just taking banaba alone caused study participants with type-2 diabetes to lose almost 2.5 pounds in just 14 days

But most amazing of all is the chromium...

Science shows just by taking chromium alone study participants lost 17 pounds in 90 days.

So, if you’re carrying any extra weight right now, I strongly suggest you get your hands on Memotex while you still can.

And even if you’re not, the compounds in Phase 2 and 3 can help ensure you stay at a healthy weight.

Okay, I’ve shown you exactly how to help improve your memory and even help balance your blood sugar and drop extra weight as well.

Now it’s time to show you how to test out Memotex yourself absolutely risk-free.

When you think ahead to the next 10 years of your life, do you see how this could be one of the most important decisions you make?

The fact is you can’t un-know what you learned today.

You’re standing at a crossroads. You have only 2 choices.

  1. You can do nothing. You can accept that your body is making brain waste, which may be contributing to age-related memory loss.
  2. Or… you can get your hands on the 3-Phase memory-supporting Memotex breakthrough…

I sincerely hope the choice for you is clear.

However, if you delay, there’s no guarantee you’ll even be able to get a supply.

Finally, science has identified what could be slowing down your memory… and one possible way to stop it.

And you can get your hands on it today, while it’s still available.

With Memotexyou could improve your memory.

Imagine a retirement where you
enjoy decade after decade of
excitement and adventure…

Where embarrassing slip-ups and foggy moments are the last thing you’re concerned about.

This can be your future, as long as you have the 3-Phase formula.

Here’s the complete breakdown of what you’ll be getting in the daily dose of the groundbreaking 3-phase Memotex formula:

You get 400 mg of United States Patented lipid curcumin – the revolutionary LC Particle…

Which could start affecting brain waste…

You get 750 mg of green tea extract containing EGCG

And 1,000 mcg of chromium and 56 mg of banaba… my team at Solaire Nutraceuticals carefully combined this complete formula…

Into Memotex’s single, convenient capsule.

Memotex is absolutely top-notch, with the perfect advanced compounds to help you maintain a strong, sharp memory…

And it can work for you.

Yes, even if you’ve tried remedies for your memory in the past but you never felt a difference.

This is based on the breakthrough science behind brain health.

It could help address a root cause of brain aging: naturally-occurring brain waste.

And it’s backed by exciting animal studies and human clinical studies with real results in seniors like you.

Like all my Solaire Nutraceuticals formulas, Memotex is created in a certified facility right here in the United States. And it’s also made with non-GMO ingredients.

In addition, taking Memotex is easy – just one capsule twice a day.

In a few moments, you’ll see a button below this presentation. When you do, press it quickly to reserve your own supply

As a Medical Doctor, I’m confident that Memotex will do everything I’ve promised you today.

But I don’t want you to worry about whether it will work for you.

So I want you to try Memotex today with ZERO risk.

That’s right… you have a risk-free, unlimited guarantee when you try Memotex today.

Here’s how it works…

In a moment, reserve your personal supply of memory-improving Memotex today.

Then, when your package arrives in a week or so, open it immediately.

Follow the instructions and start taking Memotex daily.

Just take Memotex every day

You can notice your memory improve…

You’ll feel so happy every time you need to focus on an afternoon project, or have an important conversation…

Or remember a name without even trying

However, if for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied, simply give us a call or send us an email…

And we’ll give you back every penny of your most recent shipment, no questions asked.

Let me repeat that… for any reason at all, simply request a refund, and we’ll be happy to oblige.


Your guarantee NEVER expires

satisfaction guaranteed

You can request a refund any time in the future — it could be 6 months from now… a year… there is no limit or expiration.

This way…

There’s no pressure… and no risk… when you try Memotex today!

Of course, combining all the nutrients in Memotex that have been shown by science, isn’t easy or inexpensive

If you truly measured the memory-improving value of what Memotex delivers, we think it would be worth thousands of dollars.

However, because there is no “middleman” here, a one-month supply of Memotex normally retails for $199.

It’s the bargain of a lifetime for improving your memory… but I know that’s still a lot for many people.

So that’s not what you have to invest today, because of this page’s special offer.

You’ll get an immediate $100 offas an instant savings.

That’s just $99 for a full 1-month supply – a 50% discount. And you could feel the life-changing results the very first day.

Plus, if you choose a 3 or 6 bottle option, you save EVEN MORE.

Whatever option you’ll choose, as long as you reserve your supply from this page…

You’ll see your exclusive $100 savings has already been applied.

Remember, there’s no other formula available that specifically helps address a root cause of memory issues.

And remember, you can try Memotex
with ZERO risk

If Memotex doesn’t improve your memory, focus, and brain power just like I’ve promised you…

In fact, if you’re not satisfied for any reason at all

Just request a refund and we’ll gladly oblige.

No questions asked and no expiration dates.

But I don’t think you’ll want a refund.

As you’ve learned, research shows that Memotex could help improve memory starting in ONE hour.

This is completely cutting-edge.

Because just a single ingredient in the 3-Phase Memotex formula helps support your memory, focus, and even makes you feel more content.

Realize you can remember details like names at the snap of a finger

Blaze through books you want to read and navigate important conversations…

Tell spellbinding stories of adventures you enjoyed years ago…

And thoroughly impress your friends and family with how mentally sharp you are.

And remember…

This has all been shown by science

Remember, the users in the groundbreaking clinical research improved their memory in just 1 hour, compared to the placebo group.

And, if you have extra weight, this could help with that too… almost like magic. Study participants lost 17 pounds or more in 90 days.

Ok, it’s time for you to make the right decision…

You could continue along the same path you’re on now.

You already know how embarrassing it is to forget simple things...

Or have “senior moments”...

You already know where this path is going to lead.

Unless you use Memotex designed to help affect brain waste, you could keep experiencing confusion and brain fog as time goes on.

Today, everything about senior brain
health has changed

Instead of denying yourself, make the decision to test out Memotex.

For a small investment, your memory and your brain health can improve…

With enhanced energy, clear thinking, and confidence.

With less brain waste, one of the true causes of age-related cognitive decline…

And very soon, you’ll get what I like to call the “Memotex Moment.”

It could happen when you’re having a meal with friends…

Or even after you try Memotex for the first time.

Either way, it’ll be when you try to remember something – like a name from a few months ago…

And you get that familiar “on the tip of your tongue” feeling.

For an instant, you draw a total blank…

Until the name suddenly POPS into your mind. Like magic. Like it’s supposed to be.

That’s when you realize...

Memotex truly works.

As your focus and energy keep going up and up…

All thanks to Memotex.

You get to plan all kinds of adventures and live a retirement that others would envy. Without thinking about your brain health.

Ok, are you ready?

When the button appears below, click on it and fill out your shipping information on the next page.

Once you complete your reservation, we’ll begin packing your personal shipment of Memotex and we’ll rush it your way.

Before long you’ll receive a plain package from USPS.

Carefully packed inside will be your initial supply of Memotex.

I recommend you immediately bring your Memotex supply into your kitchen, open it up…

And take your first dose with water or the beverage of your choice.

Memotex’s LC Particles can improve your memory.

You’ll start feeling the benefits…
with a better memory…

And as the days, weeks, and months pass – your memory could keep getting better.

If you wait to try Memotex, however, we might be completely sold out.

And because of the ingredient combination and special production process, it can take months for us to get more in stock.

So, please, for the sake of your memory and your loved ones, do not delay.

Try out memory-improving Memotex today. Remember, you take NO RISK at all.

It’s time. Go ahead and click the button below now.

It will take you to our secure reservation page, where you can select your risk-free supply of memory-improving Memotex.

Do click the button now. I’ll see you on the other side

For Memotex and Solaire Nutraceuticals, I’m Dr. Richard Gerhauser M.D.

Click the “Add to Cart” button below to claim your risk-free supply of Memotex now.

Add to Cart

P.S. Remember, we have a limited number of containers of memory-improving Memotex in stock, and up to 700,000 men and women are seeing this message.

If you close this page and miss this chance, Memotex might be gone when you come back.

And you could miss your chance to improve your memory

Don’t risk it.

Jump on this one-time opportunity now.

Click the “Add To Cart” button above to get your risk-free supply of Memotex now.


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